Chris Eppler
This Lord’s Day (6.13.10)

This Lord’s Day (6.13.10)

Our lesson for the adults during our 9:30 AM bible class will be over the book of Haggai.  We also have classes for all ages, 7 months old through adult. The lesson during our 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "The Altar of Stuff" with Colossians 3:1-5 as the reading...

This Lord’s Day (6.6.10)

This Lord’s Day (6.6.10)

This Sunday morning we will be studying Obadiah during our 9:30 AM adult bible class.   We have bible classes for all ages from 7 months old through adult. Our lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "Boldly Proclaiming Hope" from II Corinthians 3:12-16....

This Lord’s Day (5.30.10)

This Lord’s Day (5.30.10)

This Sunday morning our auditorium bible class at 9:30 AM will be studying the prophet Habakkuk. Our Sunday morning lesson during our 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "Peddling God's Word" and will be taken from II Corinthians 2:14-17. Sunday night we will have our...

This Lord’s Day (5.23.10)

This Lord’s Day (5.23.10)

"What Is Man?" by Chris Eppler and "God's Chosen People" by Art Moody. This Sunday morning during our adult bible class at 9:30 AM we will be studying the book of Nahum.  Our study of the minor prophets on Sunday morning has been very interesting! During our 10:25 AM...

This Lord’s Day (5.16.10)

This Lord’s Day (5.16.10)

This Sunday morning during the 9:30 AM adult bible class we will continue our study of the minor prophets with Zephaniah. Our lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be "A Shocking Report" from I Corinthians 5:1-5.  The lesson will consider some relationship myths...

This Lord’s Day (5.9.10)

This Lord’s Day (5.9.10)

This Sunday morning during our auditorium bible class we will continue our study of the minor prophets with the book of Micah. Our Sunday morning lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "Treasure in Heaven or a Fistful of Wind" from Matthew 6:19-21. Our...

This Lord’s Day (5.2.10)

This Lord’s Day (5.2.10)

This Sunday morning during our auditorium bible class at 9:30 AM we will be studying the Old Testament book of Hosea. Our lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "God's Terms" taken from Galatians 1:6-9. Sunday evening during our 6:00 PM assembly we will...

This Lord’s Day (4.18.10)

This Lord’s Day (4.18.10)

This Sunday morning during our 9:30 AM adult bible class we will continue our study of Isaiah. The sermon during our 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "Justifying Away Justification" and will be taken from Mark 7:9-13. The lesson will consider rationalizations people...

This Lord’s Day (4.4.10)

This Lord’s Day (4.4.10)

This Sunday morning during bible class at 9:30 AM we will begin our study of the minor prophets. We will be studying the minor prophets on Sunday mornings and be doing an overview of the major prophets during Wednesday night bible class at 7:00 PM. Books will be...

This Lord’s Day (3.28.10)

This Lord’s Day (3.28.10)

Our Sunday morning bible class takes place at 9:30 AM. This Sunday we will be studying Revelation 21-22 in our adult bible class. These chapters are about about the New Jerusalem. Our Sunday morning lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "Discipline MAY...

This Lord’s Day (3.21.10)

This Lord’s Day (3.21.10)

This Sunday morning adult bible class at 9:30 AM will continue our study of The Revelation. We will be studying the binding of Satan in Revelation 20. Our Sunday morning lesson will be entitled "My Faith Works" from James 2:14-19 during our 10:25 AM assembly. Sunday...

This Lord’s Day (3.14.10)

This Lord’s Day (3.14.10)

This Lord's day we will continue our study of Revelation with the judgment of the beasts during our auditorium bible class at 9:30 AM. Our lesson during the Sunday morning 10:25 AM assembly will by "Ready To Defend". This lesson will be taken from I Peter 3:13-16 and...

This Lord’s Day (3.7.10)

This Lord’s Day (3.7.10)

This Sunday morning we will continue our study of Revelation in our 9:30 AM adult bible class. We will begin in chapter 12 looking at the bowls of wrath. Our Sunday morning lesson during the 10:25 AM assembly will be entitled "About Midnight" and will consider the...

Sermon Videos from January 2010

Sermon Videos from January 2010

No One Left Behind Jesus gave us His plan for no lost person to be left behind in His final words to mankind as recorded in Matthew 28. That plan comes in four "All's". Finding Ourselves In Acts 2 The kingdom of Jesus Christ was established on the day of Pentecost as...

Sermon Videos

Here are a couple of sermon videos from the last month. Enjoy! Called By The Gospel The Destitute Sinner

Sermon Videos from 12.13.09

This was Sunday morning's sermon entitled, "Three End Times Myths". In it we considered three common beliefs that people hold about the end of the world that are incorrect. This was Sunday evening's sermon entitled, "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us". In this lesson we...

Video from 9.6.09

Why should the Christian be diligent in their labor for the Father? Watch the explanation the Hebrew writer gives in chapters three and four. The apostles made a very noble request of the Lord in Luke 17, "Lord, Increase Our Faith". What did they mean and what does...

Make Melody in Your Heart

What does the scripture say about praising God in song while in the assembly? This and other questions are answered in the video of the sermon from Sunday, August 23, 2009.