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Come join us this Sunday! Being a holiday weekend, there will be many people traveling and we would love to have you stop by!

Our bible classes begin at 9:30 am. We will be studying Mark 10 in the adult bible class. Our 10:25 am assembly will consider the topic “There Remains a Sabbath Rest” from Hebrews 4:1-10. Labor day is a day set aside by our government to take a celebrate (and take a break from) labor. However, there remains a Sabbath rest for the child of God which the Almighty will one day bestow. What must we do to receive that rest?

Our Sunday evening 6:00 pm assembly will focus on the apostles’ request of the Lord in Luke 17:1-6 to “Increase Our Faith”. This was certainly a noble request the apostles’ made. Hopefully we all have that attitude! What can we do to increase our faith also?